Our Services
Our services encompass a wide range of biotechnology applications, focusing on providing comprehensive solutions for treating effluent from oil palm, food, petrochemical, domestic, and chemical industries.
Providing Innovative & Sustainable Solutions Program
Oil Palm Industry
Exploring sustainable waste management options for the palm oil industry with Waebiotech.
Petrochemical Industry
Seeking expert advice from Waebiotech on petrochemical waste handling.
Food Industry
By partnering with Waebiotech, you are able to find effective solutions for food waste and improve our sustainability.
Domestic Sewage
We offer solutions based on biological principles to treat domestic wastewater into clean water and energy.
Rare Earth Industry
Reducing environmental impact and enhancing sustainability through Waebiotech’s solutions for the rare earth industries.

Bacteria Activation Technology
Bacteria as the “Soldiers of Allah” in Ecological Balance

You Should Know
From an Islamic spiritual perspective, everything is created by Allah with wisdom and a specific function. In the Qur’an, Allah declares that everything in the heavens and the earth is His creation and has a role in the continuity of human life. One relevant verse in this context is:
“And nothing exists except that its treasure is with Us, and We do not send it down except with a known measure”
(QS. Al-Hijr: 21)
Bacteria are one manifestation of Allah’s “treasure.” Through bioactivator technology, we can optimize the role of bacteria to meet various human needs, such as waste decomposition, soil fertility enhancement, and the production of materials beneficial for daily life.