Driving Innovation: Our Commitment to Sustainable Solutions

Not only offers technical solutions but also plays an active role in educating and empowering communities to participate in environmental conservation. With a focus on developing sustainable solutions, We contributes to building a better future for generations to come.

Project Details: Palm Oil Mill MILIK MESTIKA

This image sequence captures the evolution of a wastewater pond at Palm Oil Mill Milik Mestika, located in Jementah, Johor. The photographs taken on June 23, July 20, and August 24, 2017, reveal changes in the pond’s appearance, such as water level, sludge accumulation, and overall condition. These visual observations suggest that the wastewater treatment process at the palm oil mill is ongoing and may be influenced by factors like rainfall, evaporation, and operational activities.

The images of the wastewater pond at Palm Oil Mill Milik Mestika, Jementah, Johor, reveal fluctuations in water level and sludge accumulation over a three-month period. These changes may be influenced by factors such as rainfall, evaporation, and the efficiency of the wastewater treatment system, which primarily relies on sedimentation. To assess the environmental impact of the pond, it is essential to compare the observed conditions with local environmental regulations and guidelines for wastewater discharge.

Why WAE?

  • Our products are 100% NATURAL BASED
  • ZERO chemicals involved
  • SIMPLE method, no alteration to existing system required
  • WE HAVE SUCCEEDED in treating effluent from different types of industry i.e. oil palm, food, petrochemical, domestic and chemical.