Palm Oil Mill Felcra Berhad

Driving Innovation: Our Commitment to Sustainable Solutions

Not only offers technical solutions but also plays an active role in educating and empowering communities to participate in environmental conservation. With a focus on developing sustainable solutions, We contributes to building a better future for generations to come.

Project Details: Palm Oil Mill Felcra Berhad

This image displays the results of two wastewater quality analyses conducted on samples taken from Palm Oil Mill Felcra Berhad, located in Mersing, Johor. The analyses were performed on March 17, 2017, and April 5, 2017. The parameters evaluated include pH, which measures acidity or alkalinity; BOD, indicating the amount of oxygen consumed by microorganisms in the decomposition of organic matter; COD, representing the total amount of oxygen required for the chemical oxidation of organic matter; SS, measuring the amount of suspended solids in the wastewater; TS, indicating the total amount of solid material; nitrogen, which is a nutrient that can contribute to eutrophication; and oil and grease, representing the amount of oily or greasy substances present. These data can be used to assess the wastewater quality and identify potential environmental impacts.

This image displays the results of two wastewater quality analyses conducted on samples taken from Palm Oil Mill Felcra Berhad, located in Mersing, Johor. The analyses were performed on May 17, 2017, and July 12, 2017. The parameters evaluated include pH, which measures acidity or alkalinity; BOD, indicating the amount of oxygen consumed by microorganisms in the decomposition of organic matter; COD, representing the total amount of oxygen required for the chemical oxidation of organic matter; SS, measuring the amount of suspended solids in the wastewater; TS, indicating the total amount of solid material; nitrogen, which is a nutrient that can contribute to eutrophication; and oil and grease, representing the amount of oily or greasy substances present. These data can be used to assess the wastewater quality and identify potential environmental impacts.

The wastewater analysis results from Palm Oil Mill Felcra Berhad, Mersing, Johor, show elevated levels of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD), measured in mg/L, on both sampling dates. These parameters indicate a high organic load in the wastewater, which could contribute to water pollution and oxygen depletion in receiving waters. Further investigation is needed to determine if these levels exceed the regulatory limits set by the local environmental authorities.

Why WAE?

  • Our products are 100% NATURAL BASED
  • ZERO chemicals involved
  • SIMPLE method, no alteration to existing system required
  • WE HAVE SUCCEEDED in treating effluent from different types of industry i.e. oil palm, food, petrochemical, domestic and chemical.